
I have an unwavering commitment to capturing the unvarnished truth, even in a world saturated with images of flawless beauty and manufactured happiness. Rather than succumbing to the pressures of conforming to idealized standards and pop culture, I embrace the imperfections and complexities that define the human condition. Through my attention to detail, I peel back the layers of superficiality, revealing the raw, authentic essence that lies beneath. It is in this authenticity that true beauty resides—a beauty that transcends the superficial and resonates with the depths of the human soul. 

My subjects are not merely passive figures on a panel; they are conduits through which I seek to convey the depth and richness of being human. Wrinkles become narratives of resilience, furrows tell tales of endurance, and eyes reflect the myriad emotions that course through our veins. 

I work on polyester wrapped panels and use multiple oil glazes and graphite.